Breast Augmentation Patient 54180
Before After

Age: 28
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 109
Implant Info: Smooth, Round, Moderate Profile, Saline
Implant Size: 275cc
Incision: Inframammary
Placement: Submuscular under pectoralis muscle
Description: This New York City New York New York area Morris county NJ had her cosmetic surgery breast augmentation by cosmetic surgeon Larry Weinstein, MD FACS a board certified plastic surgeon in Chester New Jersey. Her Breast enhancement was done with saline breast implants of a low to moderate profile which breast enlargement provided very nice cleavage. Her cosmetic surgery was performed at Morristown Memorial hospital in Morristown NJ. The patient was thrilled with her new more proportional body.
Pre-Op Cup: A
Post-Op Cup: B post Breast Implant augmentation
*Results May Vary