Mommy Makeover Patient 63804

Before After

Mommy Makeover Patient 63804 Photo 1
Mommy Makeover Patient 63804 Photo 2

Mommy Makeover Patient 63804 Photo 3
Mommy Makeover Patient 63804 Photo 4

Age: 45


Description: Patient is a 45 year old New Jersey resident who requested releif from her excess adipose tissue, strech marks and excess skin of the abdomen. Her request for cosmetic surgery included correction of her sagging breasts and saddle bag hips. Dr. Larry Weinstein a board certified plastic surgeon performed breast augmentation, tummy tuck ( abdominoplasty ) and liposuction. She was pleased with a 9" reduction in her waist, a 2" reduction of her hips and a 2 " increase in her chest.

*Results May Vary