Tummy Tuck Patient 82789

Before After

Tummy Tuck Patient 82789 Photo 1
Tummy Tuck Patient 82789 Photo 2

Tummy Tuck Patient 82789 Photo 3
Tummy Tuck Patient 82789 Photo 4

Age: 37

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 173


Description: Female from the New Jersey / New York Metro Area interested in body contouring plastic surgery. The Pre-op Measurements were - 43.5" breasts - 44" waist - 40" hips Post-op Measurements of - 43" breasts - 36" waist - 40" hips were achieved This patient consulted with Dr. Larry Weinstein Cosmetic Surgeon in the New Jersey area complaining of a large abdomen, sagging skin and umbilical hernia. Dr. Weinstein is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in New Jersey who performed Abdominoplasty and Liposuction at Morristown Memorial Hospital in Morristown, New Jersey. The cosmetic surgery procedure removed a total of 250cc of adipose tissue from each hip. A total of 700cc was removed - 2lbs of skin and fat was removed from the abdomen (waist).

*Results May Vary