Mommy Makeover Patient 66052
Before After

Age: 33
Description: 33 year old New york city metroploitan area New York New York Morris Somerset county New Jersey resident - c/o saggy baggy breasts after having multiple children and excess skin of abdomen, fatty tummy, striae atrophica, strech marks. She had cosmetic surgeon Dr. Larry Weinstein a board certified plastic surgeon in Chester New Jersey who performed her cosmetic surgery tummy tuck abdominoplasty and breast augmentation through the abdominal incision with no breast incision at Morristown Memorial hospital in Morristown New Jersey. status post Bilateral breast enlargement with saline filled round moderate plus breast implants and abdominoplasty with plication and tightening of her diastasis rectus, panniculectomy and tummy tuck, 11 months post-operative
*Results May Vary