Patient Stories
The following is a story, which led one woman to consider, research, and go for plastic surgery…
As a mom, I have spent the majority of my time tending to other people and things. I am a jack of all trades and can fix nearly everything. Yet I never stopped to think that I deserved the same thought and care as my refinished floor, repainted rooms or rebuilt patio.
We moms are masters of home improvement, kid improvement, and school improvement, yet we save only the last gasping breath needed to get ourselves to the bathroom to slather on face cream and brush our teeth. Never a tenth of a percentage of our time goes into taking care of ourselves.
Well for this mom all things changed one day when I took stock of myself, yes myself. There I said it. Yes I figured out long ago that those marriage vows were really code for “You will now put yourself last”. Nonetheless I let everything wait for just a minute, ok half a minute and began pondering myself, my body, my physical being. Me Me Me Me It feels good to say it out loud sometimes.
When things start to break down or fall apart in our homes we fix them, we call in contractors, we carefully plan out our improvements and save for them. Well if the body is a temple I took one look at myself and thought well, there goes the neighborhood. Despite my desire to keep up my house I seemed to let my proverbial temple go to pot. In fact it bore more of a resemblance to a mission than a temple. It was time to make some improvements and quick.
That is where it really began. Once I gave myself permission to care for and improve my body as I do my home the rest of it fell into place. I asked myself what exactly would I like to do for myself? The answer was that I simply wanted to restore my shape to something that resembled my pre-pregnancy body. I thought about it and it made sense. I had housed three tenants for nine months a piece and they just left the place in shambles. So, I decided to reclaim ownership, and the search began to find right plastic surgeon. I contacted three different ones…The first doctor I saw, simply did not understand that I did not want to change who I looked like. I just wanted to freshen up the body that I already have. The second doctor, had some major renovations in mind. I was not set out to rebuild the Sistine Chapel, I just wanted to improve my own humble temple.
Then I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Weinstein and his staff. He took the time to listen to my concerns and made it a point to understand my mission. His staff carefully explained each and every step and Beverly too was invaluable in getting me through the process. No matter how small the concern she got right back to me. Yes, Dr. Weinstein was the doctor I chose. Not only did I instantly feel comfortable with him, I knew that he would always do whatever was in my best interest.
I determined that if I am ever going to be bare-assed naked on a table, well this is the guy I wanted to have in charge. So I did and I was and the results are terrific.
So my advice, is to go ahead and simply do for yourself what you would readily do for a worn out floor or tired paint. Rejuvenate yourself and enjoy! You deserve it.
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