New study indicates health perception associated with how old you look relative to your actual age. This is not a new concept, however it is the reason why many people have facial rejeuventation procedures. Looking older than your age may not be a sign of poor health. EurekAlert, 11/08/2010
Even though most adults want to avoid looking older than their actual age. The study found that a person needed to look at least 10 years older than their actual age before assumptions about their health could be made. Few people are aware that when physicians describe their patients to other physicians, they often include an assessment of whether the patient looks older than his or her actual age. For patients, it means looking a few years older than their age does not always indicate poor health status. The study found that when a physician rated an individual as looking up to five years older than their actual age, it had little value in predicting whether or not the person was in poor health. However, when a physician thought that a person looked 10 or more years older than their actual age, 99 per cent of these individuals had very poor physical or mental health. Over my many years of experience I have noticed patients who complained of looking much older after childbirth, weight loss and other health related causes. With a 2 hour procedure the masculine aging look of jowls can be eliminated with a natural rejeuvenated look. Other patients have baggy lower lids, hooding of the brows, severe wrinkles or nasolabial folds that can all be improved with quick recovery relative safe procedures.