An 11 year old girl and a young man had Otoplasty for prominent ears. Both surgeries went very smoothly with minimal anesthesia. Mustarde sutures were used to create antihelical folds to bring the superior aspect of the ears back and to make the ears look more normal. In the midsection of the ear further Mustarde sutures were used and conchomastoidal sutures to bring the central part of the ear closer to the head. Both patients are comfortable and are recovering with clean bandages. A Rabbi’s son was in today who had his finger removed by a door. In between the ears I fixed his finger. I also made nipples for a bilateral Mastectomy patient in between the prominent ear repairs. A follow up patient is waiting. Back to work….
New Jersey Plastic Surgery Blog
Exercise critical for good health and good looks.
Negative Emotions Outweigh Intent to Exercise at Health Clubs
ScienceDaily (Dec. 17, 2009)
Time and time again, it has been documented that regular exercise has many health benefits including lowering risks associated with the comorbidities of obesity. With only 30% of Americans trying to lose weight meeting the National Institutes of Health exercise guidelines of 300 minutes/week, a study in the January/February 2010 issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior explores the paradox that exists — an antidote for obesity and its comorbidities is exercise, but the majority of obese Americans do not exercise. Investigators explore and compare the barriers associated with regular exercise in health clubs between overweight and normal weight individuals.
Researchers at The George Washington University Medical Center examined overweight individuals’ intent to exercise at health clubs by administering an online survey instrument based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior. This theory is based on
- one’s attitude toward the behavior in question,
- the perceived social pressure (subjective norm) to perform the behavior, and
- the ease or difficulty with which one can actually perform the behavior (perceived control).
Of the 1,552 individuals surveyed, 989 were classified into the overweight category.
The researchers found overweight individuals believed exercise improved appearance and self image more than normal weight individuals. In addition, overweight individuals felt more embarrassed and intimidated about exercising, exercising around young people, exercising around fit people, and about health club salespeople than individuals of normal weight. Overweight and normal weight individuals felt the same about exercising with the opposite sex, complicated exercise equipment, exercise boredom, and intention to exercise. The study interestingly found that the demographics of older age and overweight Caucasians (versus overweight non-Caucasians) had more of an effect on exercise intent than did weight. Most notably, the heavier the subject’s weight, the lower his or her perception of health. In other words, for the overweight, sedentary person, the negative emotions associated with health club exercise may be stronger in controlling regular exercise than the intellectual facts.
Writing in the article, the authors state, “One of the most noteworthy findings of this study was that OW [overweight] and NW [normal weight] subjects did not differ in their overall attitude toward exercising at a health club. This similarity in overall attitude of the OW and NW to club exercise is somewhat surprising, in that it is often assumed that OW people do not exercise as much as NW people because the 2 groups have different attitudes about exercise.
The behavior theories that propose that attitude drives the intent to exercise describe attitude as an evaluation of positive versus negative. If this is the case, then, it is important to minimize the negative and maximize the positive in order to promote the desired behavior. Thus, it would be wise for exercise professionals and commercial health clubs to help OW people feel more comfortable around those who are different from themselves and to minimize the intimidating aspects of the exercise environment, while promoting the benefits of exercise to personal health and wellbeing.
Regardless of which subset of the OW population is the target for increasing health club exercise, the ultimate goal is to increase the number of positive beliefs the individual has concerning exercising in a health club…Accordingly, individual beliefs about health club exercise should be evaluated for each new client. If a plan to increase the positive beliefs and reverse the negative beliefs is constructed and followed, the likelihood of retention of that client will be augmented.”
Note: Diet and exercise are more important than liposuction for good looks and good health. Larry Weinstein, MD FACS
Silicone gel implants prefered over saline – the people speak
Patient Satisfaction and Health-Related Quality of Life Following Breast Reconstruction: A Comparison of Patient-Reported Outcomes Amongst Saline and Silicone Implant Recipients
Macadam, Sheina A. MS; Ho, Adelyn L. MD; Cook, E F. Jr SD; Lennox, Peter A. MD; Pusic, Andrea L. MHS
Published Ahead-of-Print
Background: In recent years, there has been a growing acceptance of the value of breast reconstruction. The majority of women who choose to proceed will undergo alloplastic reconstruction. The primary objective of this study was to determine if the type of implant used in alloplastic breast reconstruction has an impact upon patient-reported satisfaction and quality of life.
Methods: Patients were deemed eligible if they had completed alloplastic reconstruction at least one year prior to study initiation. Patients were contacted by mail: two questionnaires (BREAST-Q(C) and EORTC QLQC30 (Br23)(C)), a contact letter, and an incentive gift-card were included. Scores were compared between silicone and saline implant recipients.
Results: 75 silicone implant recipients and 68 saline implant recipients responded for a response rate of 58%. BREAST-Q(C) responses showed silicone implant recipients to have higher scores on all 9 subscales. This difference reached statistical significance on 4 of 9 subscales: overall satisfaction (p=0.008), psychological well-being (p=0.032), sexual well-being (p=0.05), and satisfaction with surgeon (p=0.019). Regression analysis adjusted for follow-up time, timing of surgery, unilateral vs. bilateral surgery, radiation and age. Results from the EORTC QLQC30 (Br23)(C) showed a statistically significant difference on 2 of 22 subscales: silicone recipients had higher overall physical function and saline recipients had higher systemic side effects.
Conclusions: This study has shown higher satisfaction with breast reconstruction in silicone gel implant recipients compared to saline recipients using the BREAST-Q(C). There was no difference in overall global health status between the two patient groups as measured by the EORTC-QLQC30(C).
(C)2009American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Flowers and Plastic Surgery with Spygrabber
My opinion is the British have it wrong, flowers should be managed in every patient room by the orderlies or nursing assistants. Life is better and patients do better with flowers. Of course there are exceptions, allergies and or immunocomprimised patients should not be subjected to flowers that may be harmful. In the BMJ-British Medical Journal an article appeared… Should flowers be banned in hospitals?Feature: Wards of the rosesDoes flower water harbour potentially deadly bacteria? Do bedside blooms compete with patients for oxygen? Do bouquets pose a health and safety risk around medical equipment? These are some of the reasons given by many hospital wards in the UK to ban, or at least discourage, bedside bouquets. But is this anxiety justified, and what do patients feel about flower policies? To find out more, Giskin Day and Naiome Carter of Imperial College London surveyed the literature and talked to patients and staff at the Royal Brompton Hospital and the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital about their attitudes towards flowers. Their findings are published on today, as part of the Christmas issue. A 1973 study found that flower water contained high counts of bacteria. However, subsequent research found no evidence that flower water has ever caused hospital acquired infection. Yet hospitals continue to prohibit flowers on the ward in the absence of any official ruling from the Department of Health.Other negative effects have been ascribed to flowers. In the late 1900s it was common to remove flowers from bedsides at night as there was widespread belief that the blooms competed for patients’ oxygen. But this was dismissed as a myth when studies showed that the impact of flowers on air composition in wards was negligible and did not justify the labour involved in moving flowers to and fro. Southend University Hospital recently imposed a blanket ban on flowers on the grounds that they posed a health and safety risk around high tech medical equipment, but it could be argued that flower vases are no more risky than having crockery containing drinks or food around bedsides. There is some evidence that most nurses are not in favour of flowers, partly because of the amount of work generated. Interviews with staff in this study also suggest that they are more concerned about the practical implications of managing flowers than risks of infection. Other studies report that flowers have immediate and long term beneficial effects on emotional reactions, mood, social behaviours, and memory for men and women alike. One trial found that patients in hospital rooms with plants and flowers needed significantly fewer postoperative analgesics; had reduced systolic blood pressure and heart rate; lower ratings of pain, anxiety, and fatigue; and had more positive feelings than patients in the control group. Given that flowers and herbs have been used as remedies in the earliest hospitals, and as a means of cheering up the hospital environment for at least 200 years, it seems remarkable that flowers still tend to be treated in an ad hoc fashion in hospitals, say the authors. Although flowers undoubtedly can be a time consuming nuisance, the giving and receiving of flowers is a culturally important transaction, they conclude.In an accompanying editorial, Simon Cohn, a medical anthropologist at Cambridge University argues that flowers have fallen victim to new definitions of care. He suggests that the decision to ban flowers “seems to reflect a much broader shift towards a model of care that has little time or place for more messy and nebulous elements.”
Z-Lift Facelift vs Lifestyle lift
20 years of experience has given me an edge to get natural quick recovery face lifts with a technique I have developed. Lifting jowls, nasolabial folds or sagging necks can be restored to a more youthful natural look in 2 to 3 hours. There are some surgeons trying to brand techniques of facelift. I have seen several patients who have had 2 procedures on the same area to get a usual result of one procedure in competent hands. Barbara Walters, Sophia Loren and Joan Rivers all look younger then their age. They have had procedures which have made them look younger.
Celebrity Plastic Surgery
A cougar Theresa Rogers is having an affair with Tiger Woods alleged both before and after he was married to Elin Nordegren, making her a mistress with longevity.
She also is apparently the oldest of Tiger’s women, and is in her 40s. Woods is 33. Rogers traveled with Tiger “extensively” during the past five years. Thersa Rogers has obviously had multiple cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures including breast augmentation and lip enhancement. I am not her cosmetic surgeon nor have any direct knowledge of her life or surgery.
Theresa Rogers claims she met him in various cities for hookups, and while she has refused comment on her affair with Tiger, we give it a few hours.
Gotta make sure you find the right deal, after all. When you’re competing with 10 other women for attention, you gotta make your comments count and you have to look your best. In todays competitive world a little plastic surgery can go a long way.
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