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How to Care for Your Lips After Lip Fillers

lips fillersHere at Dr. Larry Weinstein’s office, we know the importance of injecting your lips with highly trusted, lip fillers. That’s why we only use Juvederm and Restylane to give all of our patients a sexy and plump pout. If you are considering getting lip fillers or if you have recently done so, it’s important to know how to properly care for them afterwards. From icing them to giving them a slight massage, this article will discuss the best ways to care for your lips after receiving lip fillers.

Elevated Sleep

After you receive your lip injections you might experience some sort of swelling around your lips and mouth. To help alleviate this swelling and to make sure that it doesn’t get worse, it is advised that you sleep with your head propped up with at least two or three pillows during the night— this will help to support your head and will encourage the swelling in your lips to subside.

Ice Them

Icing your lips after you receive injections will not only help to reduce any inflammation that you might be experiencing but it will also help to reduce any pain that you may also be experiencing. Simply get a soft gel ice pack and place it on top of your lips for about 15-20 minutes at a time. Although it might feel a bit uncomfortable at first, the discomfort will soon subside.

Gentle Massage

Before you start to massage your lips, make sure to check with Dr. Larry Weinstein regarding whether or not he thinks it will be beneficial to your results. If given the “okay”, start to gentle massage your lips within the first 48 hours of receiving injections. Simply take your forefinger and thumb and slowly work around your lips in order to get out any bumpy areas where the filler may be more inclined to store itself. If you experience any sort of pain while massaging your lips, stop immediately; you don’t want to exacerbate the problem.

Getting lip injections is a safe and easy way to get that sexy pout that you’ve always wanted. And although there really isn’t any downtime required, by using the above tips you can help to ensure that your lips look and feel as smooth as possible. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Larry Weinstein, contact our office today!



Are there age restrictions on Botox?

Botox is without a doubt the most popular thing in the plastic surgery field. Males and females, old and young, all flock to Larry Weinstein’s office to get Botox to help fill in wrinkles that once used to be non-existent. And although Botox is popular among all different age groups, it has many people asking “Are there any age restrictions on Botox?”

Why do people want Botox at a young age?

BotoxThere is a consensus among many young patients who receive Botox injections that getting Botox at a young age will help them to prevent against getting wrinkles later on in life. And if there is any sort of preventative measure that’s worth taking, it’s worth the try.

What does research say?

Collectively, research points to one thing: Botox hasn’t been around long enough for us to determine whether or not there are benefits to getting Botox at a young age or if it’s more beneficial to wait until you’re older. However, many people believe that because there aren’t any sort of adverse side effects or problems with getting Botox at a young age, that there really isn’t any harm in doing so. That being said, it really is up to you and Dr. Weinstein to sit down and discuss the best method to use going forward.

Is it dangerous?

Getting Botox in your early to late twenties is not dangerous— as long as it is administered by a professional in the right doses. If you are under the age of 18, you will have to have a parents consent and will need to have a consultation with Dr. Larry Weinstein to determine whether or not he feels that you are a suitable candidate to get Botox at such a young age. It should be noted, however, as indicated above, because Botox hasn’t been on the market for very long, there isn’t any strong evidence that points to the fact that Botox is a preventative treatment.

As you can see, there are no real age restrictions on getting Botox. If you or a loved one is interested in getting Botox or if you would like to learn more, set up a consultation with Dr. Larry Weinstein today!


After Abdominoplasty Workouts

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure in which Dr. Larry Weinstein will surgically lift and tighten the muscles and skin around the abdominal wall— leaving you with a tighter looking abdomen and a  more slender looking you. Once you have properly recovered from your abdominoplasty, it’s safe to remember that diet and exercise are still your best friends. Read on to learn more about after abdominoplasty workouts and what is considered safe for you.

Taking Time Off

tummy tuckIf you are a gym rat, hearing Dr. Larry Weinstein tell you that you have to wait around 6 weeks to head back to the gym might sound like a death sentence, but giving your body and abdomen the ample time it needs to recuperate after surgery will save you in the long haul. Remember that the more you rest and relax at first, the better off you will be down the road.

Slowly Dive In

The best way to get back into your workout routine after your six weeks of time off and approval from Dr. Larry Weinstein, is to take it slow. Although you might want to run a few miles and join a cross fit class, remember that your body has been without exercise for two months and needs to slowly dive in. As a suggestion, try getting on the elliptical, stationary bike, or treadmill for about 15-20 minutes on the first day and then slowly amp up the time by 5 minutes every day after that. That way you are still getting a good workout but you aren’t pushing yourself too hard at first.

Ease into Crunches

After you have been doing steady cardio for about a week or two, now you can slowly ease yourself into crunches or abdominal workouts. However, because your muscles were moved and essentially tightened during your abdominoplasty, they might be a little bit sore at first. Take your time and do a little bit more everyday or when you can.

Recovering from any sort of surgery, especially abdominoplasty, is of utmost importance. And when you get the approval to head back to the gym, it’s good to follow the above tips so that you don’t overexert yourself or cause your body any sort of damage. To learn more about abdominoplasty recovery, contact Dr. Larry Weinstein’s office today!


Can You Enhance Your Facial Fillers?

Getting facial fillers like Juvederm and Restylane can help transform the bottom portion of your face into a more youthful looking you. However, are there ways in which you can enhance the effects and appearance of your facial fillers? Read on to learn more.

dermal fillersMakeup
In order to visually enhance your lips and the area around your mouth after you receive facial fillers like Juvederm and Restylane, you can use makeup. For the wrinkles around your mouth, simply use a shade of concealer that’s one shade lighter than your skin and gently apply it to the skin around your mouth. By lightening up this area and blending it in with the rest of your makeup, you can help to give your skin a softer looking appearance.

When looking to accentuate your lip fillers, try using a combination of a lip liner, lipstick, and lip gloss. Start by using a lip liner. The lip liner will give your lips the extra overall enhanced look. Then apply a shade of lipstick that matches the lip liner— this will help to give your lips the color that you desire. Next, top it off with a lip gloss— the lip gloss will help to accentuate the plumpness and appearance of your lips.

Get Them Done More Frequently
If you wait until the last possible moment to get your lips and mouth redone, then you aren’t necessarily getting that enhanced look all year round. To get the best look possible and to really show off your sexy pout, make sure that you schedule an appointment with Dr. Weinstein as soon as you start to see your fillers starting to wear off in a drastic way.

When it comes down to it, there is no medication or medical enhancement that you can do to enhance your facial fillers. However, by applying makeup and getting your lips done more frequently, you can help to visually enhance the appearance of your lips without too much of a fuss. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact our office today!

3 Things About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast reconstruction surgery is designed to treat women who have suffered from breast cancer and have had to have a mastectomy. Once your original breast has been removed, or if portions of your breast were removed, a surgeon will then go into the breast in order to try to reconstruct it. Read on to learn more about breast reconstruction surgery.

breast reconstruction1. There Are Two Surgical Options
Did you know that when considering getting breast reconstruction surgery that you actually have two different options available to you? The first, and most common form of breast reconstruction surgery, involves using an implant or device in order to get the breast back to its normal appearance. The other form of breast reconstruction surgery is called autologous breast reconstruction surgery which uses the body’s natural cells and tissues in order to get the breasts back to their natural shape, size, and appearance.

2. You May Lose Sensation In Your Breasts
One of the biggest downsides to breast reconstruction surgery is the fact that you may lose all sensation in your breasts. Things that used to either spark arousal, pain, or discomfort may not do the same thing for you anymore. However, your surgeon will try to ensure that you can at least feel some sort of sensation in your breasts after the surgical procedure.

3. Incision Sites Are Likely Visible
Unlike breast enhancement surgery where there are typically no incision sites or scarring visible, breast reconstructive surgery is different. By making incisions typically around the front part of the breast around the nipple, it can be hard for surgeons to avoid any sort of visible incisions or scarring.

Breast reconstructive surgery is both a scary and exciting. By understanding the three things above, you can help to go into your surgical procedure with more confidence and a better understanding of what to expect. Get your breasts back and start to feel like your pre-cancer self with breast reconstruction surgery. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Weinstein’s office today!

How to Prevent Scarring

Scarring can leave individuals feeling, well, scarred for the rest of their lives. If you get a burn or suffer from acne, it’s important to ensure that you minimize your chance of scarring right away. Read on to learn more about how you can prevent both burn and acne related scarring.

Whether you’re cooking a hot meal on the stove and your skin gets in contact with some heat, or you get burned by your air bag in a car accident, using these tips will help you to minimize the potential for scarring.

  • Ice
    If you have access to ice, ice the burn area right away. By taking the heat out of your skin, you can help to prevent scarring, swelling, and overall discomfort.
  • Vaseline
    Another great way to help ease the pain and reduce scarring possibilities with a burn is to add a layer of Vaseline or petroleum jelly directly to the skin. By keeping your skin hydrated, you can help to reduce the likelihood of scarring.

Acne Scarring
scarringAcne scarring can occur when patients pick at their acne or simply due to their skin type. In order to reduce the chance of scarring related to acne, try the following:

  • Don’t Pick Your Face
    If you’re like a lot of people, you’re a picker. Every time you notice a pimple on your skin you have to get rid of it immediately. However, picking at your face will only increase the likelihood of scarring and can actually spread the acne around your face. Instead, try simply adding some salicylic acid to the top of your pimple— this will help to dry out your blemish without you having to touch it.
  • Get on Acne Medication
    If you notice that your acne is getting worse and worse, it might be time to get on acne medication. By nipping the problem right away, you can help prevent any scarring down the road.

Understanding how to prevent scarring will help save you a lot of time and money further down the line. If you already have some scarring that you would like to get rid of, contact our office today!

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