Plastic Surgery Blog New Jersey - Dr. Larry Weinstein

New Jersey Plastic Surgery Blog

3 Benefits Proportional Breast Augmentation

breast augmentationTypically when people think of a woman getting breast augmentation surgery, imagery of a woman with a tiny frame tipping over due to oversized breasts often comes to mind. And although you can opt to get breasts that are fairly large for your frame, Dr. Larry Weinstein believes in the fact that more isn’t always more and relies heavily on the notion of proportional breast augmentation. Read on to learn more.

  • It’s More Natural

Not everyone wants breast implants that are noticeable. In fact, a large majority of women want to get breast implants that look more natural. Rather than jumping from an A cup to a D cup, Dr. Larry Weinstein’s proportional breast augmentation approach will jump you from an A cup to something more subtle like a B cup. Additionally, more natural looking breasts will give you the confidence that you desire to have perky and full breasts in a swimsuit without being the talk of the town for getting large breasts.

  • It’s More Comfortable

Jumping from a small sized breast to a larger one can and will likely make you feel sexier. However, research shows that women with larger breasts often suffer from things like back pain due to the extra weight and stress than large breasts can place on your body. As another reason to consider proportional breast augmentation, comfortability is a benefit that will last you a lifetime. Additionally, if you enjoy living a more active lifestyle, having breasts that are more proportional to your body will help you to enjoy your workouts without any added back strain or pain.

  • It’s More Suitable

If you naturally have a full C cup, then jumping to a D cup won’t seem like that big of a leap. However, if you naturally have a nearly A cup, then jumping to a D cup will be a very large leap that might not necessarily be suited to your body type. If you want to have breasts that are just a little fuller and perkier in a swimsuit or a tight dress, then getting a proportional breast augmentation done will be more suited to your body shape and size.

As you can see, there are several benefits of getting a proportional breast augmentation done. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Larry Weinstein, contact our office today and one of our experts will gladly assist you.

Look Younger at Any Age

skin agingAging is a process we must all experience at our own pace. This doesn’t mean that we should feel forced into an appearance that does not accurately depict who we are and how we feel on the inside. For many men and women, the evidence of a good, long life is exhibited in the form of smile lines (and frown lines), crow’s feet, sagging jowls, and tired-looking eyes. Who likes the sound of that? If you don’t, consider the ways that you can look as young as you feel.

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty had it right! Ok, so she had no choice in the matter of her shut-eye. However, there is something to be said for sleep as it relates not only to health and wellness, but also to the aging process. Immediately following just one night of tossing and turning, you are treated to new bags under the eyes, heavy upper lids, and even a flattened appearance. If these kind of nights stack up, as they can with age, your appearance will reflect it. Making sleep a priority can save you from premature conditions, so shoot for 7 or more hours every night.

Beauty in a Bottle

Topical skin care solutions cannot do magic, but it is necessary to provide nourishing ingredients that ward off the signs of aging. The thing about skin care is that it can take time to develop the right program for you. From year to year, your skin care needs may change, as well. Consulting with a skin care specialist, rather than a salesperson at a cosmetics counter, is a wise decision regardless of whether your goal is to preserve smooth, youthful skin or to correct a problem like dark spots or wrinkles.

Managing the Signs of Aging

The signs of age are going to happen; there is no way around it. However, there are solutions that can ease your journey through the ages. Patients of Dr. Weinstein have options, and not all of them require surgery. Depending on your concerns, and on your desired result, you may wish to explore options such as Botox or dermal fillers. If cosmetic surgery is the most appropriate method of rejuvenation, you can feel confident knowing that precision techniques have achieved outstanding results for thousands of patients.

Rediscover your younger self. Give our office a call!

Can Cosmetic Surgery Improve your Quality of Life?

plastic surgeryThere are innumerable reasons why men and women may seek cosmetic plastic surgery. Many of those who consider improving a particular physical characteristic, such as the size or shape of their nose, continually procrastinate. Others move ahead with their elected procedure, having a sense that they will feel better about their appearance. Rarely are patients told that cosmetic plastic surgery will improve their life or their relationships. Why? Because it is not always the case, and we are seeing both sides of this question answered by research.

The Positive Outcomes of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

We see the positive outcomes of plastic surgery on a routine basis, and it brings us joy to hear how our patients are renewed in the area of self-confidence. Our personal experience reflects findings from various research studies. Two, conducted by Dr. Neil Sadick in 2008, investigated both surgical cosmetic treatments and non-surgical procedures. The findings were similar across the board.

  • 95% of patients who underwent breast lift surgery reported both physical and psychological improvements after their procedure.
  • A large percentage of patients who were treated with cosmetic surgery of one kind or another reported significant improvement in general quality of life 6 months post-surgery. Specific areas of improvement included relationships, social interactions, and sex.
  • A final study by Dr. Sadick found that patients who underwent facial plastic surgery felt significantly more satisfied with their appearance, and also felt less anxious and more independent.

An Interesting and Important Point

One of the aspects of plastic surgery that is discussed at length is expectations. When you look at the research findings, you could assume that every person who changes an aspect of his or her appearance would gain greater happiness in general. This is not necessarily true, and older research confirms this point.

A mid-90s study, Physical attractiveness and subjective well-being, investigated the how and why of improved psychological well-being after plastic surgery. What researchers found was that expectations really do matter. They looked at “target happiness” based on appearance, and found that it is not beauty, per se, that improves happiness, but our own unique perception of our own attractiveness. Greater beauty does not translate into more happiness, on average. Not all participants in this study would be deemed “attractive” by societal standards; but by their own standards, if they felt attractive, they enjoyed a greater sense of happiness overall.

The takeaway? Cosmetic plastic surgery, when approached with realistic expectations and an open mind, can improve your physical appearance and, as a result, your life. We are happy to speak with you about your esthetic goals. Give our office a call!

Create a More Comfortable Recovery from Abdominoplasty

tummy tuckThe tummy tuck procedure, or abdominoplasty, is an excellent solution to a sagging midsection. This surgery gives men and women back the smoother, tighter abdominal muscles and skin they crave. Whether abdominoplasty is a part of a larger enhancement program such as a total Mommy Makeover or it is the sole focus of care, it is important to plan ahead. This involves more than attending pre-surgery appointments; it also means that you look toward recovery, and ways that you can improve the overall experience.

After abdominoplasty, most people know that they cannot lift objects and that they need to postpone sessions with their personal trainer. There is even an understanding that some time should be taken off from work. But these general guidelines do little to help you create the most comfortable recovery possible.

Tips for your Home Recovery Center

No longer do cosmetic surgery procedures require a lengthy hospital stay. Most patients return home within a day or two – sometimes the same day as their procedure – to recover. With that in mind, you can view your home as your own personal “Recovery Center,” decking it out with necessities that will feed your senses in the best possible way.

  • Comfort is King when it comes to surgical recovery. Prior to your surgery, imagine what this looks like for you. Do you have a warm, soft blanket that you prefer over others? If you don’t, get one. Are your pillows welcoming and comfortable? Get more. Pillows of different sizes can be placed behind your back or at your sides to support your body and envelop you in comfort.
  • Eating well is essential to healing. Preparing healthy meals ahead of time can significantly reduce stress after surgery.
  • Boredom may set in more quickly than you think. To prevent this, gather new magazines or books you have wanted to read. Fill your music library with an array of relaxing and uplifting music. Stock up on DVDs that will keep you occupied for short bursts of time.

The recovery from abdominoplasty need not be unpleasant in the least. We are here to answer questions you may have, and support you as you heal.

Can You Get Your Ears Pinned as an Adult?

ear surgeryOtoplasty, or ear pinning, is a surgical procedure in which the ears are pinned back in order to give you a sleeker looking appearance. As an elective, cosmetic procedure, getting your ears pinned is typically done for children around the ages of 6-18, however, if you are an adult who is self conscious about your ears and would like to have them cosmetically altered, Dr. Larry Weinstein can help. Read on to learn more.

As Long As You’re Healthy

Although otoplasty is typically done on children, adults can get this elective surgery done as well. As long as you’re healthy and in good shape, Dr. Larry Weinstein can conduct this surgery in order to give you the look, appearance, and confidence that you so want and desire.

Understanding Recovery

As an adult, you likely won’t have your mom and dad around to nurse you back to health after your surgery. That’s why it’s so important to understand the recovery process and all that it entails.

Once you are sent home from the hospital, you will be required to wear a bandage around your head and ears for at least a few days following surgery. This bandage is in place to help protect your sutures and to also apply pressure to the incision site until it heals properly on its own. Once you get approval to remove the bandage, you will be required to still take it easy and avoid things like contact sports, as they may exacerbate your incision site and cause you some sort of infection.

After surgery you will likely experience some sort of pain and will be prescribed a painkiller— either prescription or over-the-counter— in order to take that edge off and give you the ability to relax a little. Additionally, once you are in recovery it is recommended that you sleep with your pillow layered at a 30-degree angle in order to help alleviate any swelling that may occur after surgery.

Getting your ears pinned as an adult might be a little rare but is completely doable. If you are self conscious about your appearance due to your ear size, contact Dr. Larry Weinstein’s office to set up a consultation.


Lift Your Face with a Liquid Facelift

Liquid FaceliftWhen you think about getting a facelift, images of your face being wrapped entirely in gauze probably comes to mind. However, with things like facial fillers and injections, you can now get what is referred to as a liquid facelift. If you are interested in lifting and tightening certain parts of your face without having to go under the knife, read on to learn more about liquid facelifts.

What does a liquid facelift involve?

By using a combination of fillers like Restylane and Juvederm, mixed with an injectable like Botox, Dr Larry Weinstein is able to help lift your face in areas where you may be experiencing some sagging and signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. By using a combination of these fillers, Dr. Larry Weinstein will be able to fill in your lines, plump up your cheeks, and can even use Restylane and Juvederm to help reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.

How long does it last?

Unlike a traditional facelift which lasts a lifetime, a liquid facelift is a temporary procedure that typically lasts up to a year. Depending on how well your body reacts to the fillers and injections, Dr. Larry Weinstein can help you to determine when you need to get your facelift redone or whether your results are still giving you the best results.

What is recovery like?

Recovery from a liquid facelift is fairly easy and straightforward. Although your face may feel a bit sore for a day or two afterwards, there is virtually no recovery time required and you can get back into your routine in no time at all.

Am I a good candidate?

In order for you to be deemed a good candidate for any sort of surgical or cosmetic procedure, you will be required to undergo a brief consultation with Dr. Larry Weinstein in order to determine your candidacy.

If you are interested in getting a liquid facelift or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Larry Weinstein, contact our office today!


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