If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure, you may wish that you could see into the future for a peek at what you will look like after the procedure is done. You may even wish you could compare how you would look with one procedure versus another. With Vectra 3D imaging, you don’t have to wish and wonder anymore!
What is Vectra 3D imaging?
Vectra three-dimensional (3D) imaging is an easy way to get a glimpse into the future. The session begins with pictures taken by a special 3D camera – several pictures are taken simultaneously from different angles. These pictures are put together to create a virtual model, which can be manipulated by a plastic surgeon to show the patient what the final results will be after a certain procedure or a combination of procedures.
What can Vectra be used for?
Vectra 3D can be used when planning for a variety of procedures. It can be used for patients who are considering breast augmentation or lift, rhinoplasty, or a facelift. The patient can use these images to help them define plastic surgery goals and decide on which procedure to choose. It can also be used to “fine tune” a patient’s expectations, so that your final appearance will be exactly what you want.
For instance, if you are interested in breast augmentation, you’ll be able to see how you’ll look with different sizes and kinds of implants. Your surgeon will be able to advise you if you need an additional procedure, such as a breast lift. And, if you are concerned about breasts that are asymmetric, Vectra 3D can help your surgeon determine how to best correct this problem, while giving you a preview of the final look.
With Vectra 3D technology, you don’t have to worry what the results of your plastic surgery will be, and you don’t have to leave your future up to your imagination. It is just one more way that Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, can help you to have the look you’ve always wanted. Call (908) 879-2222 for an appointment today!