Plastic Surgery Blog New Jersey - Dr. Larry Weinstein

New Jersey Plastic Surgery Blog

Wave goodbye to flabby arms with arm liposuction

Aging and fluctuations in weight can lead to loose, hanging skin on the underside of the upper arm. If you have flabby arms, arm liposuction can slim the contour of the arm and restore your self-esteem and confidence. Read on to learn more about the different types of arm liposuction and what to expect during surgery and recovery. 

4 types of liposuction 

There are four types of liposuction to treat the arms: traditional, tumescent, ultrasound-assisted and laser-assisted. Each procedure consists of removing fat through a thin cannula that is inserted through small incisions in the skin. Dr. Weinstein will discuss which liposuction method would be best for you and your condition. 

Traditional liposuction consists of moving the thin cannula back and forth manually. This method can damage blood vessels and cause significant swelling, so it’s usually reserved for removing large areas of fat. 

Tumescent liposuction consists of injecting an anesthetic into the tissue, causing the blood vessels to shrink or constrict. This method results in less swelling and bruising. 

Ultrasound- and laser-assisted liposuction are less invasive treatments that liquify the fat using a smaller cannula. One added benefit to laser-assisted liposuction is that it firms the skin over the treatment area. The skin will get firmer over time with the other methods. 


Ideal patients have stubborn areas of localized fat that don’t respond well to diet or exercise. Good candidates are also no more than 10-15 pounds overweight. 


No matter which liposuction method is used, the outpatient procedure requires local anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours to perform. 


Patients can expect soreness and bruising after surgery. You should rest your arms for 4-5 days after surgery. You will have to wear a compression sleeve around the upper arms for up to four weeks. Scarring is minimal as the incisions made are tiny. 

Arm liposuction can get your arms ready to show off in sleeveless shirts and tank tops. To learn more about this procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222. 

Which breast procedure is right for me?

The size and shape of a woman’s breasts are important to self-image and can impact your confidence. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, you may be considering your options for breast surgery. Here, we break down the differences between breast procedures and which one may be best for you and your concerns. 

Breast Augmentation 

The most popular cosmetic surgery procedure each year, breast augmentation surgery consists of using silicone gel or saline implants to give you the size and shape of breasts that you desire. Patients often seek this surgery if they have underdeveloped breasts, asymmetrical breasts or lost volume due to pregnancy and nursing. If sagging is a problem as well, a breast augmentation may be performed with a breast lift. 

Breast Lift 

A breast lift, or mastopexy, helps improve the appearance of breasts that are sagging due to the loss of elasticity in the skin. This is caused by aging, pregnancy and nursing, and weight gain or loss. A breast lift will help reshape and raise the breasts into a more youthful position. 

Breast Reduction 

For women with abnormally large breasts, they may be seeking surgery to help them with physical pain and discomfort as well as psychological effects. A breast reduction helps women find relief, and this surgery has one of the highest patient satisfaction rates because of it. Large breasts can prevent you from certain exercises and make women feel self-conscious or avoid certain activities. 

Male Breast Reduction 

For men who are dealing with large breasts, a male breast reduction or gynecomastia, is a surgical procedure that will give them more masculine contours. 

Breast Reconstruction 

For women who have abnormal breasts or have had mastectomies for cancer treatment, a breast construction can help them achieve the contours they desire. 

The best candidates for any breast procedure are in good general health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of surgery. If you are interested in learning more and wondering if you’d be a good candidate for a breast procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222. 

What to expect with buttock and thigh lifts

Aging, pregnancy, weight loss and even sun damage can cause your buttocks and thighs to sag or appear flatter than you’d like. Thankfully, there are plastic surgery procedures that can help improve the contour, size and shape of the behind. Read on to learn more about buttock and outer-thigh lifts and what to expect during surgery.

  • A buttock lift and outer-thigh lift can be performed separately or together to help you achieve the look you desire. This improves the shape and tone of the behind.
  • Ideal candidates are those who are in good general health, do not smoke and are not significantly overweight. They have excess skin and tissue in their buttocks and outer thighs and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedures to address these concerns.
  • Buttock and thigh lifts are typically outpatient procedures performed under general anesthesia.
  • During a buttock lift, an incision is made across the top of the buttocks from one hip bone to the other. The incision is made so that it can be easily concealed by underwear and bikinis. Dr. Weinstein removes the excess skin and fat and may perform liposuction.
  • During an outer-thigh lift, the incision is made in the groin area. Excess skin and fat are removed, and liposuction may be performed.
  • After surgery, patients may need to wear compression garments to help with swelling and the healing process.
  • Patients may experience swelling, soreness and bruising for up to a month after surgery. Prescription medication can be used to control pain.
  • Patients often return to work and their regular activities about two weeks after surgery. They should avoid strenuous activities for at least four weeks.
  • After surgery, patients see better tighter, firmer contours and tighter, smoother skin.
  • Unless there is significant weight loss or weight gain, patients can expect results to be long lasting.

A buttock lift and outer-thigh lift can help you achieve the youthful contours you desire. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

How do cosmetic fillers work to rejuvenate your appearance?

Botox is the most recognizable name when it comes to cosmetic injections, but it’s not effective on all types of wrinkles. While Botox works best on dynamic wrinkles—which are wrinkles that appear in the skin over a contracting muscle—it isn’t effective on static wrinkles. These wrinkles are caused by aging, sun damage and the loss of collagen production in the body. That’s when cosmetic fillers step in and can help patients achieve a more youthful appearance.

Read on to learn more about cosmetic fillers and how they work.

  • Cosmetic fillers are injectables that increase volume, enhance contours and temporarily smooth out wrinkles in the skin.
  • Cosmetic fillers such as Juvederm, Voluma and Bolotero are made of a gel hyaluronic acid, cartilage-like substance that act like “liquid face lifts.
  • Bolotero and Juvederm are used to augment or plump lips.
  • Juvederm Plus is ideal for nasolabial folds, which are the indentation lines on both sides of the mouth that extend from the bottom edge of the nose to the outer corners of the mouth.
  • Bolotero works well on fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Voluma is ideal for filling out the cheeks as it has the highest viscosity gel available.
  • You can combine dermal fillers with neurotoxins like Botox to achieve the youthful appearance you desire
  • Dermal fillers have also been used in conjunction with cosmetic procedures to further enhance your results.
  • Dermal filler appointments take minutes, and you are able to return to your regular schedule once you leave the doctor’s office.
  • Side effects are minimal, but may include minor swelling, bruising or redness at the injection site.
  • While results vary depending on the type of filler used, you will see immediate results that continue to improve and last anywhere from a few months to 1-2 years.

There are a number of cosmetic fillers that can help you achieve a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance in just a matter of minutes. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

Am I a candidate for a tummy tuck?

If you have been wanting to get a smoother, firmer abdominal profile, you may have been thinking about whether a tummy tuck is right for you. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and tightens weakened or separated abdominal muscles. Here are some reasons why you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck:

  • You’ve lost a lot of weight and now have an “apron” of loose skin that hangs over your lower abdominal area.
  • You have loose skin and abdominal muscles that need to be tightened after going through pregnancy.
  • You have tried every diet and exercise program and are at or near your ideal weight, yet you still have a “pooch” of loose skin that bothers you.
  • You are in good overall health and at a stable weight.
  • You have a positive outlook and realistic expectations for surgical outcomes.
  • You are a non-smoker.
  • You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen.
  • You understand that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss or a weight-loss program.
  • Even though the results of surgery are technically permanent, you understand that gaining weight can diminish or negate your results.
  • If you are planning on losing a substantial amount of weight or are considering future pregnancies, you should postpone tummy tuck surgery.
  • A tummy tuck may remove or improve the appearance of stretch marks if they are in the areas of the excess skin that will be removed.

The procedure

A tummy tuck requires general anesthesia, so you will be asleep during the entire operation. Depending on whether you have a complete or partial abdominoplasty, the procedure can take two to five hours to complete.

Incisions are made just above the public area and from hip bone to hip bone fur a complete tummy tuck. For a partial tummy tuck, the incision is shorter. In both cases, the healed scar will be hidden by the line of your panty or bikini bottom.

If you’re interested in learning whether you’re a candidate for tummy tuck surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

How do you treat enlarged breasts in men?

If you are a man with enlarged breasts, you may be refraining from certain physical activities due to emotional distress from having the condition. The overdevelopment of men’s breasts is called gynecomastia, and it’s a condition that can affect men of all ages. Read on to learn more about gynecomastia and how to treat it.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia affects approximately one out of every two men at some point in their lives. Breasts are made up of fatty and glandular tissue. Gynecomastia consists of excess fatty and glandular tissue and can be present in one or both breasts. Sometimes men have excess breast skin as well.


Gynecomastia is often caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone, and affects newborns, boys going through puberty and older men. Other causes include genetics, certain types of medication, certain health conditions and weight gain.


Weight loss may help somewhat but will rarely alone result in the breast reduction men desire. Reduction mammaplasty is plastic surgery that reduces breast size, improves nipple anatomy and improves chest contours. Liposuction to remove the excess fatty and glandular tissue may be the only thing that’s needed for some patients. Others may need a procedure that involves making an incision around the areola, or the darkened part around the nipple, to remove the nubbin core of breast tissue, suction sculpt surrounding fatty tissue and remove excess skin to lift the areola for a more youthful appearance.

Male breast reduction is an outpatient procedure with local standby or general anesthesia. There is very little downtime required.

Candidates for surgery

If you’ve tried other non-surgical treatments to try to correct your enlarged breasts, you may need surgery. To be considered for surgery, you should be in good physical health, nonsmoking, have a positive outlook, specific goals and realistic expectations for surgical outcomes. It’s important that your breast development has stabilized to avoid future corrective surgery if breasts continue to develop.

If you’re interested in learning more about treatment for gynecomastia, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

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