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Eyelid surgery explained

If your eyes are making you look more tired and older than you actually are, then you may have considered your options for rejuvenation, including eyelid surgery. How do you know if you’re a candidate? Read on to learn all about eyelid surgery and why it’s such a popular procedure.

Candidates for surgery

The best candidates for surgery are physically healthy, are in a good frame of mind and have realistic expectations. Many people over the age of 35 could benefit from eyelid surgery.

Why get surgery?

The eyes are the first place on your face to show signs of aging. The eyelids can age faster over time due to sun exposure and environmental factors. The muscles weaken, the eyelid skin stretches, and fat accumulates around the eyes.

Eyelid surgery is also called blepharoplasty and eye lift. During this surgery, Dr. Weinstein removes excess skin, fat or muscle from the areas around the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. The lower eyelid blepharoplasty reduces eye bags and smooths out the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty consists of removing fat deposits and excess skin from the upper eyelid. Many patients need both upper and lower eyelid surgeries to address their concerns.

Aesthetic and functional benefits

There are many benefits to eyelid surgery. Improving the appearance of the eyes through eyelid surgery can make your overall appearance look more youthful and radiant, improving confidence. Often, eyelid surgery involves removing excess skin from the upper eyelid that droops over the eyes, improving vision.

Incisions are nearly invisible

The beauty of eyelid surgery is that incisions are small and remaining scars can be easily hidden within the natural creases of the eye and eyelid. This is one reason why eyelid surgery is so popular. During upper eyelid surgery, small incisions are made in the natural crease of the eyelids. For lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made below the lashes in the lower lid. Once Dr. Weinstein is done, he closes the incisions with very fine sutures.

Eyelid surgery helps you look more alert and youthful, and results will last for several years. To see if you are a candidate for surgery, call our office today at (908) 879-2222 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein.

4 reasons why you should consider a tummy tuck

Even with the best diet and exercise program, that extra pooch and stretched skin in the tummy area won’t go away. Now is the time to consider tummy tuck surgery, which creates a smoother, firmer abdominal profile by removing excess fat and skin and repositioning stretched and separated muscles in the abdominal wall. Here are four reasons why you should consider a tummy tuck.

You are done with childbearing. Often, pregnancy can wreak havoc on a woman’s body, and the stretched skin in the abdominal area doesn’t bounce back as you would’ve hoped. If you’re planning future pregnancies, you will want to hold off on a tummy tuck because it could negate your surgical results.

You have lost weight. For men and women alike who have lost a significant amount of weight, removing the excess skin has both aesthetic and functional appeal, as they want to show off their new contours and get rid of skin that’s getting in their way.

A tummy tuck can be done simultaneously with other procedures. Often a tummy tuck is accompanied by liposuction to get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area. A tummy tuck is also an integral part of what’s called a “Mommy Makeover,” and combined with a breast augmentation with or without a breast lift, and liposuction. This all-encompassing surgery is an increasingly popular choice among women who want one recovery period instead of separate ones spread out over several months or years.

You’ll see immediate results. After surgery, you will notice initial results that improve even more as swelling subsides. After several months, you’ll see full results once the swelling has ended.

A tummy tuck can provide long-lasting results if you continue to follow a healthy lifestyle after surgery. To learn more about a tummy tuck and to see if you’re a candidate, call our office today at (908) 879-2222 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein.

Feel more confident and comfortable with breast reduction surgery

Women who have large, pendulous breasts complain about the pain these cause in the back, neck and shoulders. They may experience deep grooves in the skin from bra straps, skin irritations under the breasts and poor posture from the weight of the breasts. If you’ve been plagued with excessively large breasts, breast reduction is a surgery with high patient satisfaction and patients who say they wish they had done it sooner. Here’s more information on how breast reduction surgery is performed.

Am I a candidate for surgery?

In addition to the problems mentioned above, women who are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too large or that they limit your physical activity will benefit from surgery. If your breasts hang low and you have stretched skin, if your nipples rest below the breast crease when your breasts are unsupported or you have enlarged areolas, you are a candidate for surgery. You need to be physically healthy, don’t smoke and have realistic expectations for surgical outcomes.

What to expect during surgery

During breast reduction surgery, Dr. Weinstein removes fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts to make them smaller, lighter and firmer. Large areolae will be reduced to make them proportional to the new breast size.

There are various options for incision, and Dr. Weinstein uses the smallest possible incision to achieve the best results. Once the incisions are made, the nipple is then repositioned, and the areolas are reduced in size. The nipples remain tethered to their original blood and nerve supply during this entire time. In some cases, the nipples and surrounding areolas are removed and moved to a higher position on the breast.

During surgery, Dr. Weinstein removes excess breast tissue and lifts and reshapes the remaining tissue. Sutures are placed deep within the breast tissue to support their new shape. The incisions are closed with skin adhesives and sutures. Scars from incision lines will fade and improve in appearance over time.

This surgery can be life-changing for women, as they will see the results and feel relief immediately. To learn more and to see if you’re a candidate for breast reduction surgery, call our office today at (908) 879-2222 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein.

What makes Botox the most popular cosmetic treatment?

You may not be ready yet to go under the knife to get a more youthful appearance. Your solution may be Botox, the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure in the world. In one short office visit, you can relax muscles and smooth out wrinkles caused by facial expressions. Here are some fast facts about Botox:

Safe and effective

Botox is FDA-approved for the treatment of moderate to severe “11” frown lines, crow’s feet around the eye area and forehead lines. It’s also effective on bunny lines of the nose and smoker’s lines on the upper lip. Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are biological toxins that have been transformed into a therapeutic agent. Botox is injected directly into a muscle with a tiny needle, temporarily freezing and preventing the muscle from contracting and forming a wrinkle or fold in the skin over it.

Botox smooths out dynamic wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles form in the skin when the muscle beneath it contracts. Facial expressions such as frowning, squinting, smiling and laughing form dynamic wrinkles in the skin. No other non-surgical treatment compares to the power of Botox with dynamic wrinkles. Static wrinkles are wrinkles that are constantly present, namely smile lines, lip lines and marionette lines. These lines don’t respond to Botox and are best treated with dermal fillers.

Fast treatment and no downtime

One of the reasons why Botox is so popular is the fact that it’s a quick procedure, with minimal pain and no downtime required. Treatment usually takes 15-20 minutes. Tiny needles are used to inject Botox into the muscles, and ice and topical anesthesia minimize any pain. Patients can resume normal activities immediately.

Results appear in days and last for months

You will start seeing results in just 2-3 days, but full results appear a little more than a month after treatment. Results vary by person but typically last 3-6 months. You return to the office to get repeat treatment to maintain results.

Botox can help you achieve a more youthful appearance without having to have surgery. To learn more, call (908) 879-2222 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein.

What procedures are combined in a Mommy Makeover?

When a woman has finished childbearing, she often has many areas of concern on her body. Sagging breasts, loose skin and excess fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise entails a variety of procedures that can be done separately. A “Mommy Makeover” is a surgery that has become increasingly popular because it combines all of these procedures into one surgery and one recovery period. While a Mommy Makeover is customized to each patient, there are several common procedures:

Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation can enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts, often correcting the loss of breast volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are multiple techniques and different sizes and shapes of implants that can help women achieve the contour they desire.

Breast Lift

Pregnancy and nursing and aging in general cause the breasts to lose their elasticity, firmness and shape, causing them to sag. A breast lift reshapes and “lifts” sagging breasts.

Breast Reduction

Women with abnormally large breasts often suffer from chronic pain in the shoulders, neck and back, as well as posture problems, headaches and skin irritations. A breast reduction reduces the weight and size of a woman’s breasts and can improve the look and appearance of the areola.

Tummy Tuck

Excess skin, unsightly fat deposits and stretch marks are common concerns after childbirth. A tummy tuck is a procedure that involves removal of excess fat and skin from the abdomen and tightens the fascia surrounding the muscles of the abdominal wall.


Diet and exercise alone can’t remove some of the most stubborn fat pockets. Liposuction targets these fat pockets in multiple areas of the body to help contour a more proportioned and slimmer figure.

Facial Rejuvenation

A neck lift, jowl lift or removal of puffy eyelids are facial rejuvenation procedures that can be added to the Mommy Makeover surgery. These procedures smooth and tighten the sagging skin and helps women look more refreshed and youthful.

To learn more about a Mommy Makeover and which combination of procedures could help you get your pre-pregnancy body back, call (908) 879-2222 for a consultation with Dr. Weinstein.

Good candidates for breast augmentation surgery

As one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed worldwide each year, you may have wondered what it would be like if you could change the shape and size of your breasts. If you’ve been considering breast augmentation to enhance your self-image and boost your confidence, read on for some criteria to determine if this popular surgery would be right for you.

You are a good candidate for surgery if you are physically healthy and follow a healthy diet. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will need to wait until you are fully recovered before you have breast augmentation surgery. If you have a major illness, active infection or cancer, you will need to discuss this with your surgeon. It’s best to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption before and after surgery as well.

Women who feel their breasts look “deflated” would benefit from breast augmentation. Usually, women have lost volume and shape from pregnancy, aging or significant weight fluctuations and want to get more balanced contours.

If you have underdeveloped breast tissue and you believe one or both breasts are too small, implants can give you a more proportionate, feminine shape. If your breasts aren’t the same size due to hormonal changes, puberty or even trauma, this surgery will give you a more symmetrical look.

It’s crucial that you are doing this procedure for you and not being talked into it by anyone else. It’s a life-changing procedure with satisfying results that you should have done to meet your own wants and desires.

While this procedure is generally considered safe, it’s important to do your research and be aware of the risks that come with this or any surgery. You must be at least 18 years or older to have saline implants and 22 years or older to have silicone gel implants.

If you’re interested in learning more about getting larger, fuller breasts, call (908) 879-2222 for a consultation with Dr. Weinstein to discuss your goals and determine if you’re a good candidate for surgery.

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