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Archive for December, 2022
The Benefits of a Breast Reduction
With all the emphasis on breast augmentations and breast lifts, you may feel like you are the only woman who is unhappy with her breasts because they are too large. Breasts that are too large can cause many problems, both mentally and physically, but a breast reduction can help.
Why consider a breast reduction?
Having large breasts can have many negative effects on your life. They can make you feel self-conscious or embarrassed, and it can be difficult to find clothes that fit you properly. And there are physical problems that come with large breasts as well.
You may have irritating rashes or skin irritations underneath the breasts. Large breasts can cause muscle aches and constant pain in the shoulders, back, and neck – this can negatively affect your posture, which can only add to the aches and pain. You may even have pain or numbness in the hands and arms.
In a breast reduction, excess tissue is removed, and tissue that remains is lifted and tightened. This reduces the weight on the chest. The body is brought back into balance to remove stress on the upper body muscles, and posture is improved. Patients report that, after a breast reduction, they have more energy and are less self-conscious about their bodies. They can enjoy physical activities more because they no longer have to deal with the pain and discomfort of trying to be active with large breasts.
A breast reduction procedure can be performed as an out-patient procedure or in a hospital, with an overnight stay. You should be in good health and a nonsmoker, and you should have realistic expectations about what this surgery can do for you. There will be some swelling after the procedure, but you will notice a difference right away, and you’ll see even more results as the swelling goes down.
Having breasts that are too large can affect every aspect of your life, physically and mentally. Breast reduction surgery may be the answer for you! Contact Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, for a breast reduction consultation. Call (908) 879-2222 for an appointment today!
Posted in Breast Reduction on December 15th, 2022
Feel more confident and comfortable with breast reduction surgery
Women who have large, pendulous breasts complain about the pain these cause in the back, neck and shoulders. They may experience deep grooves in the skin from bra straps, skin irritations under the breasts and poor posture from the weight of the breasts. If you’ve been plagued with excessively large breasts, breast reduction is a surgery with high patient satisfaction and patients who say they wish they had done it sooner. Here’s more information on how breast reduction surgery is performed.
Am I a candidate for surgery?
In addition to the problems mentioned above, women who are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too large or that they limit your physical activity will benefit from surgery. If your breasts hang low and you have stretched skin, if your nipples rest below the breast crease when your breasts are unsupported or you have enlarged areolas, you are a candidate for surgery. You need to be physically healthy, don’t smoke and have realistic expectations for surgical outcomes.
What to expect during surgery
During breast reduction surgery, Dr. Weinstein removes fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts to make them smaller, lighter and firmer. Large areolae will be reduced to make them proportional to the new breast size.
There are various options for incision, and Dr. Weinstein uses the smallest possible incision to achieve the best results. Once the incisions are made, the nipple is then repositioned, and the areolas are reduced in size. The nipples remain tethered to their original blood and nerve supply during this entire time. In some cases, the nipples and surrounding areolas are removed and moved to a higher position on the breast.
During surgery, Dr. Weinstein removes excess breast tissue and lifts and reshapes the remaining tissue. Sutures are placed deep within the breast tissue to support their new shape. The incisions are closed with skin adhesives and sutures. Scars from incision lines will fade and improve in appearance over time.
This surgery can be life-changing for women, as they will see the results and feel relief immediately. To learn more and to see if you’re a candidate for breast reduction surgery, call our office today at (908) 879-2222 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein.
Posted in Breast Reduction on August 15th, 2020
5 Things You May Not Know about Breast Reduction Surgery
Large breasts can be a big problem for many women, impacting health and self-image. Breast reduction is a procedure growing in popularity, helping women feel more confident and comfortable by reducing significant volume and weight in the breast area. Breast reduction can impact your life in several positive ways. Here are a few things you may not know about this life-changing procedure:
- It has one of the highest satisfaction rates.
Disproportionately large breasts (macromastia) can cause chronic back, shoulder and neck pain, contribute to poor posture and get in the way of an active lifestyle. Bra straps dig into shoulders and leave indentations. Breast reduction patients are some of the happiest and most satisfied patients because they feel so much more comfortable and functional. Many patients go on to do well in exercise programs because they feel so much better with that weight and volume removed.
- Surgery can be performed in several ways.
A breast reduction procedure can either be performed in a hospital with an overnight stay or as an outpatient procedure in an ambulatory setting. The best procedure option for you will depend on your medical history, thorough exam and desired outcome.
- You’ll want to avoid strenuous activity for about a month or longer.
The surgery only takes a few hours, but you’ll want to take at least a week off from work after surgery to recover. Some may need more time than that based on their situation. You’ll also have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to remove stitches and bandages.
- You get a breast lift at the same time.
During a breast reduction, your surgeon will remove excess tissue and skin and move the nipples up in a position to give them a lift, so naturally, you get a breast lift at the same time.
- Insurance may cover your surgery.
If you’re having physical problems like back and neck pain, some insurance companies will cover part or all of the cost of surgery. You will need to work with your surgeon’s office to gather and send all the information necessary to your insurance company for approval, which could take a month.
To learn more about breast reduction and Dr. Weinstein’s techniques for a near pain-free recovery, call (908) 879-2222 for a consultation.
Posted in Breast Reduction on November 30th, 2019
Answers to Your Breast Reduction Surgery Questions
Have you been considering breast reduction surgery? If so, you probably have a million questions you want answered. Before you go “under the knife,” do some personal research. Make sure surgery is the right answer for your issues. There are several reasons why a woman would choose to have breast reduction surgery and they include both cosmetic and medical reasons. Large breasts often cause a great deal of back pain as the spine struggles to hold the massive front weight on a woman’s body. This is the most common reason. Breast reduction surgery is also done to reverse implants and when a woman simply feels she is carrying too much up front.
A common concern is that breast reduction surgery will cause cancer. The simple answer is that this type of surgery does not affect your risk of contracting cancer of any type. It doesn’t interfere with any treatments that might later be needed for any type of disease and will actually improve a woman’s experience when having a mammogram procedure done.
The tissue that is removed in this surgery is later examined under a microscope to see if there is any indication of cancer or other problems. Studies show that there is a slight decrease in risk of other types of cancer in women who have had breast reduction surgery.
You will want to discuss the financial side of your decision with your doctor. Check with your insurance to see if you can get any kind of help that way. If it is medically necessary because of strain on the spine, it is more likely to be covered.
You don’t have to worry about the size of your breasts growing back after surgery. As long as they were fully developed when the surgery was performed, they will not get larger again. This is barring any pregnancy or weight gain. In addition to this, you may need some help breast-feeding after reduction surgery. Keep the formula nearby to supplement your baby’s appetite.
No matter your decision or your current or future breast size, you should feel confident and at home in your own body. Breast reduction surgery can help with that.
Posted in Breast Reduction on April 15th, 2015
Unearthing Common Breast Reduction Myths
Because of misinformation, a lot of women are afraid to venture into the world of cosmetic surgery. There are already a lot of women who are uncomfortable with the size of their breasts and want them to be reduced, but have not done so because of bad information they have learned about the procedure – which might all just be myths! Don’t worry because we are debunking the most common breast reduction myths for you!
Myth: A Breast reduction surgery and breast lift are the same.
These are totally different procedures concerning the breast, although a breast lift can be done in conjunction with a breast reduction surgery. A breast reduction surgery is done with the use of liposuction to decrease the size of the breasts. However, it may not have any “lifting” effect on the breasts and may actually cause them to droop more. It is during these cases that a breast reduction surgery can be considered.
Myth: I can reduce the size of my breasts to a C cup.
A lot of women believe that the ideal breast size is a C since it is just between too big and too small. Sadly, when a woman undergoes breast reduction, the new cup size of her breasts may be hard to predict after surgery. After all, the cup size measurements followed by one lingerie store may be different from another. It is important to shop only after your breasts have been done.
Myth: Losing enough weight can eliminate the need for breast reduction.
It is important for a woman to know that the breasts are made up of both fat and glandular tissue. Although diet and exercise can eliminate the fat in the breasts and reduce breast size, glandular tissue cannot be eliminated. If you have naturally large breasts to the point that you already experience back pain and other discomforts, losing weight may not be enough.
Breast Reduction in New Jersey
If you are interested in breast reduction surgery and would like to know more, request an appointment with Dr. Weinstein today by calling 908-879-2222. You can also choose to fill out this online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Posted in Breast Procedures, Breast Reduction on June 27th, 2014
New Jersey Male Breast Reduction: Feel Great with Your Shirt Off!
This question is for the gentlemen out there — Are you confident about taking your shirt off in public or are you embarrassed about your man boobs? If you are uncomfortable with your man boobs you should know that they are medically referred to as gynecomastia and you do have options. At the Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center, you can undergo New Jersey male breast reduction to help get rid of those enlarged breasts which are tearing down your confidence.
Negative Psychological Impact
Why bother with male breast reduction? Apart from actually not looking good with the extra sagging breasts, a recent study published in the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, came out with the following conclusion:
“Gynecomastia has a significant negative impact on primarily the psychosocial well-being of affected adolescent patients, specifically in regard to social functioning, mental health, and self-esteem. Psychosocial impact was not affected by graded severity of disease. Health care providers and patients should be aware of the psychosocial impairments associated with gynecomastia and consider early treatment for adolescents suffering from this condition, regardless of severity.”
Male Breast Reduction Techniques in New Jersey
You may be an ideal candidate for male breast reduction if you have excess glandular tissues and/or too much localized fat. It is interesting to note that gynecomastia could either present itself unilaterally (one breasts) or bilaterally (both breasts).
There are basically 3 common male breast reduction techniques used today:
1. Liposuction alone to remove excess fat
2. Liposuction with removal of your breast gland
3. Liposuction with removal of your breast gland and excess skin
The incisions made during the surgery are very tiny thus no need to worry about visible scarring. The procedure itself takes around 2 to 3 hours and the results are, by and large, long lasting. However, keep in mind that you need to maintain stable weight to maintain the results. You also need to monitor your intake of prescription medications such as steroids.
To arrange your initial consultation with Dr. Weinstein and learn more about your male breast reduction options in New Jersey, get in touch with us at our Chester Clinic by calling us at (908)879.2222 or by filling out this contact form. Make an appointment today and experience the life changing effects of plastic surgery!
Posted in Breast Reduction, Male Breast Reduction, Plastic Surgery on April 8th, 2013
New Jersey Breast Reduction
Literally thousands of women every year in the United States alone undergo Breast Augmentation to increase the size of their busts, leaving many to wonder why any women would want to reduce the size of her bust. What many people who do not struggle with very large breasts do not realize is the physical and emotional strain having larger breasts can incur. Physical ailments such as chronic neck, back and shoulder pain often plague patients who opt for Breast Reduction surgery. Simple activities that people may take for granted such as exercise and sleeping can often be made more difficult, uncomfortable and even painful for those with larger breasts. In addition to the physical pain caused by larger breasts, many women feel self-conscious about them in social situations and it can reduce fashion options drastically.
Dr. Weinstein has helped alleviate the physical and emotional pain of large breasts for many women through Breast Reduction surgery that removes excess skin, glandular and fatty tissues. The areola, which generally can remain intact with is original nerves and blood supply, is repositioned higher on the new, smaller, lighter breasts and the remaining skin is closed around it. The areola itself can also be re-sized or re-shaped for optimum, natural results. The results of a breast reduction procedure are smaller, lighter, and even more firm breasts. The satisfaction rate for women who undergo Breast Reduction surgery is extremely high. Along with achieving a more normal, pain-free life, many women report an increase in confidence in their new bodies.
If you are interested in breast reduction surgery, contact our office today to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Weinstein.
Posted in Breast Reduction on September 12th, 2012
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