Plastic Surgery Blog New Jersey - Dr. Larry Weinstein

New Jersey Plastic Surgery Blog

Could breast augmentation be right for you?

If you are unhappy with the size, shape or proportions of your breast, you may have wondered if breast augmentation would be right for you. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures, with more than 300,000 surgeries performed in the United States each year.

Here are some of the many reasons why women choose to get breast implants.

  1. You have abnormally small breasts. Women who have the condition micromastia have disproportionately small breasts because they didn’t develop as expected during puberty. They may feel self-conscious about their disproportionate size. If you have micromastia, breast implants can give you a boost in confidence.
  2. Your breasts are different sizes. If one breast is larger than the other, more than likely hormones, growth spurts during puberty and other factors may be behind asymmetrical breasts. Breast implants can help even out the look and give you more confidence.
  3. Your breasts changed during pregnancy. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can do a number to a woman’s body. Many women find that breasts will droop or sag after pregnancy and nursing. Breast implants can help a woman get her pre-pregnancy breasts back. This surgery is often performed in combination with other body-contouring procedures called a “mommy makeover” to help women get their pre-pregnancy body back.
  4. You’ve lost a significant amount of weight. After pregnancy or unrelated weight loss, women find their breasts have lost their volume, so breast implants give them the size and shape they desire with their new, slimmer curves.
  5. You’ve had breast cancer surgery. If you’ve had a mastectomy, breast reconstruction is often part of breast cancer treatment. This helps women look and feel like they did prior to mastectomy surgery.
  6. You want to boost your self-esteem. Breast augmentation surgery has high patient satisfaction, as having larger, fuller breasts helps women feel more attractive and confident.

If you’re interested in learning whether breast augmentation surgery is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

6 reasons why you should consider eyelid surgery

If you have tired- or sad-looking eyes, then you may be considering ways to rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes. Also know as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is an effective way to provide long-lasting results and improve the appearance of your eyes.

Here are six reasons why you should consider eyelid surgery.

  1. You won’t see scars. One of the reasons why this surgery is so popular among men and women alike is the fact that the incisions on upper eyelids can be hidden within the crease of the eyelid, and the scar that remains will fade over time and become hidden. Incisions on the lower eyelid are made below or behind the lash line, which means no visible scarring there as well.
  2. Your eyes are the focal point of your face. Men and women with aging, tired-looking eyes who have good tone in their facial muscles will benefit from eyelid surgery.
  3. You are over the age of 40. Most men and women over the age of 40 can benefit from eyelid surgery since the skin loses its elasticity and firmness as we age, making them look older and tired.
  4. Pain is minimal and recovery is quick. Pain after surgery can be controlled with over-the-counter pain medications. Cold compresses can help with discomfort and swelling as well. After a week, stitches are removed, at which time many patients will return to work. Any bruising and swelling will continue to subside over the next few weeks, revealing your full results.
  5. It can help with vision. If you have drooping or sagging eyelids, you may not realize how the extra skin hanging over your eyelid is affecting your vision. In addition to cosmetic reasons, many patients turn to eyelid surgery for this functional reason alone.
  6. It has a high patient satisfaction rate. Eyelid surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because it offers great results with little pain and recovery that isn’t very difficult.

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should consider eyelid surgery. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

Answering your questions about liposuction

LiposuctionLiposuction is one of the top 10 most common plastic surgery procedures done in the United States each year, and popular among men and women alike. But many people who are interested in liposuction, or liposculpture, still have a lot of questions about the procedure. Here, we take a look at the most common questions.

What areas of the body can be treated by liposuction or liposculpture?

The most common area of the body treated with liposuction is the stomach and waistline since abdominal fat is some of the most resistant to diet and exercise. Other areas include the thighs and knees, hips and buttocks, calves and ankles, upper arms, and even the neck area.

Is liposuction helpful for weight loss?

Liposuction cannot replace proper diet and exercise. It is intended to treat stubborn fat accumulations that aren’t responding to diet and exercise.

Who is an ideal candidate?

Patients who are at or near their ideal weight and have stubborn pockets of fat they want to remove are good candidates. That’s why you don’t want to look at liposuction as a weight-loss solution. You should be in good overall health and have a good outlook and expectations for the outcome.

What can I expect after surgery?

Depending on the areas treated, you can expect to see inches gone from the treatment areas. It may take weeks to see these results as you will have some initial swelling and bruising.

How long is recovery?

You’ll have swelling for about 48 hours after the procedure, which continues to subside. You may only need over-the-counter pain medication to take care of any pain or discomfort. You can result in all activity three weeks after surgery. You’ll have to wear a compression garment for four weeks to help your skin retract after surgery.

How long will results last?

It’s important to follow a healthy diet and proper exercise routine after surgery to maintain and prolong results. If you gain weight, it will be in another area that hasn’t had fat cells removed.

Liposuction can be performed on its own or in combination with other procedures to achieve your desired look. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

Types of breast implants

Larry Weinstein MD FACSIf you’re considering breast augmentation surgery in the New Year, you will have various options to consider when it comes to breast implant type. Silicone, saline, round, smooth, textured – how do you choose which is best for you? Read on to learn more about the different types of implants to help you as you prepare for your consultation with Dr. Weinstein.

Silicone implants

The most popular implant due to its natural feel, silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. These are FDA approved for women age 22 or older. If you get silicone implants, you will want to have regular visits with your plastic surgeon to make sure the implants are in good condition and haven’t ruptured. If this implant type leaks, the gel may stay within the shell of the implant, or it may leak into the breast implant pocket. You may not notice because a leaking silicone gel implant doesn’t collapse like a saline implant would.

Gummy bear implants

Also known as form-stable implants, gummy bear implants get their name from the high viscosity of the gel that makes it like a gummy bear candy when it’s split. These “no-drip” breast implants are in improvement over saline implants, because if the implant shell ruptures, the gel won’t leak into the breast implant pocket. It maintains its shape. These implants do require slightly longer incisions in the skin for placement in the breast implant pocket.

Saline implants

Not as popular as silicone implants, saline breast implants are filled with sterile saltwater. These are FDA approved for use in women age 18 or older. They provide a uniform shape and firmness. People who choose saline breast implants like the fact that if the implant shell leaks or ruptures, the implant will collapse, and the saline will be naturally absorbed and expelled by the body.

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that can be combined with other procedures to achieve the look you desire. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

Get silky smooth skin with laser hair removal

If you’re tired of plucking, shaving and waxing, then you should consider laser hair removal to help you achieve smooth skin before the summer months. Imagine wearing your bikini, shorts and dresses and not having to worry about daily shaving. Read on to learn more about laser hair removal and why you should be getting it done now.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal removes unwanted hair by using a highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the light, which destroys the hair.

Where can laser hair removal be done?

The most common areas on the body where laser hair removal is done include the legs, underarms, arms, bikini line, face, chin and back.

How do I prepare for treatment?

You will need to avoid sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment, as sun exposure makes treatment less effective. Before your first treatment, you should limit waxing, plucking and electrolysis for about six weeks. Why? Waxing and plucking removes the root of hair, which is what the laser targets.

How can I expect during treatment?

Hair in the treatment area will be trimmed back. A topical numbing medicine may be applied before the treatment to help with the slight sting of the laser. The technician will use a cold gel or cooling device to help the laser light penetrate the skin and destroy the hair follicle.

What is recovery like?

After the treatment, you may use ice packs or anti-inflammatory creams to help ease any discomfort. Your skin will feel and look as if it’s sunburned for the next day or two.

How many treatments will I need?

You will need to space your treatments 4-6 weeks apart. This is because you are only able to successfully treat hair that is in the active growth phase. That’s why now is a good time to get started on a treatment plan, just in time for warm weather months.

If you are interested in learning more about laser hair removal and whether you are a candidate for treatment, schedule a consultation by calling (908) 879-2222.

New Year, New You: A Mommy Makeover

As you ring in the New Year, you may be making resolutions for self-care and self-improvement. That’s why now may be the time to consider a Mommy Makeover. Read on to learn more about this popular surgery that can address multiple concerns in one surgical setting.

What it is

Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding can do a number on a woman’s body. Sagging breasts, excess stubborn fat and loose skin are the three major concerns women have after having children. What’s great about a Mommy Makeover is that it’s an all-in-one surgery that combines multiple procedures in one. This is safer and more convenient as it means only one recovery period rather than multiple surgeries and recovery periods.

Combination of procedures

A Mommy Makeover is customized to fit each patient’s needs. The most common procedures include a breast lift, breast augmentation, breast reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction and facial rejuvenation.

Breast enhancement will help women address the loss of elasticity, firmness and shape of their breasts due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. A breast augmentation will change the size and shape of the breasts using implants. A breast lift will help reshape and lift sagging breasts. Women who have abnormally large breasts may opt for a breast reduction to help alleviate chronic pain in the neck and back, reduce skin irritations and improve posture.

A tummy tuck tightens the abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy and childbirth and removes excess skin. Liposuction removes those stubborn fat pockets in various areas of the body that resist diet and exercise, giving you a more contoured, slimmer appearance.

Sometimes smoothing and tightening the sagging skin on the face are desired as well. Facial rejuvenation may consist of a neck lift, jowl lift or eyelid surgery to address tired-looking eyes.

The ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover will be done having children and breastfeeding, has lost as much of her pregnancy weight as possible before surgery, and has waited at least six months after giving birth to her last child. If you’re done with childbearing and longing for your pre-pregnancy body, schedule a consultation with Dr. Weinstein by calling (908) 879-2222.

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