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Archive for April, 2016
Lift Your Face with a Liquid Facelift
When you think about getting a facelift, images of your face being wrapped entirely in gauze probably comes to mind. However, with things like facial fillers and injections, you can now get what is referred to as a liquid facelift. If you are interested in lifting and tightening certain parts of your face without having to go under the knife, read on to learn more about liquid facelifts.
What does a liquid facelift involve?
By using a combination of fillers like Restylane and Juvederm, mixed with an injectable like Botox, Dr Larry Weinstein is able to help lift your face in areas where you may be experiencing some sagging and signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. By using a combination of these fillers, Dr. Larry Weinstein will be able to fill in your lines, plump up your cheeks, and can even use Restylane and Juvederm to help reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.
How long does it last?
Unlike a traditional facelift which lasts a lifetime, a liquid facelift is a temporary procedure that typically lasts up to a year. Depending on how well your body reacts to the fillers and injections, Dr. Larry Weinstein can help you to determine when you need to get your facelift redone or whether your results are still giving you the best results.
What is recovery like?
Recovery from a liquid facelift is fairly easy and straightforward. Although your face may feel a bit sore for a day or two afterwards, there is virtually no recovery time required and you can get back into your routine in no time at all.
Am I a good candidate?
In order for you to be deemed a good candidate for any sort of surgical or cosmetic procedure, you will be required to undergo a brief consultation with Dr. Larry Weinstein in order to determine your candidacy.
If you are interested in getting a liquid facelift or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Larry Weinstein, contact our office today!
Posted in Dermal Fillers on April 30th, 2016
How to Care for Your Lips After Lip Fillers
Here at Dr. Larry Weinstein’s office, we know the importance of injecting your lips with highly trusted, lip fillers. That’s why we only use Juvederm and Restylane to give all of our patients a sexy and plump pout. If you are considering getting lip fillers or if you have recently done so, it’s important to know how to properly care for them afterwards. From icing them to giving them a slight massage, this article will discuss the best ways to care for your lips after receiving lip fillers.
Elevated Sleep
After you receive your lip injections you might experience some sort of swelling around your lips and mouth. To help alleviate this swelling and to make sure that it doesn’t get worse, it is advised that you sleep with your head propped up with at least two or three pillows during the night— this will help to support your head and will encourage the swelling in your lips to subside.
Ice Them
Icing your lips after you receive injections will not only help to reduce any inflammation that you might be experiencing but it will also help to reduce any pain that you may also be experiencing. Simply get a soft gel ice pack and place it on top of your lips for about 15-20 minutes at a time. Although it might feel a bit uncomfortable at first, the discomfort will soon subside.
Gentle Massage
Before you start to massage your lips, make sure to check with Dr. Larry Weinstein regarding whether or not he thinks it will be beneficial to your results. If given the “okay”, start to gentle massage your lips within the first 48 hours of receiving injections. Simply take your forefinger and thumb and slowly work around your lips in order to get out any bumpy areas where the filler may be more inclined to store itself. If you experience any sort of pain while massaging your lips, stop immediately; you don’t want to exacerbate the problem.
Getting lip injections is a safe and easy way to get that sexy pout that you’ve always wanted. And although there really isn’t any downtime required, by using the above tips you can help to ensure that your lips look and feel as smooth as possible. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Larry Weinstein, contact our office today!
Posted in Dermal Fillers on April 15th, 2016
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