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Archive for January, 2019
How to Get Rid of Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Having numbness, tingling, or achiness in your fingers, hands, and wrists is the last thing that anybody wants. If you spend your days typing or working with your hands and have experienced these symptoms, you may have a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. But what is carpal tunnel syndrome and how can it be treated? Let’s take a closer look.
What Is Carpal Tunnel?
The carpal tunnel is a passageway through your wrist that carries tendons and nerves. When pressure builds up on the nerve in the carpal tunnel it can cause carpal tunnel syndrome that results in aching, numbness, tingling, and even impaired hand function. If you have recently been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome or if you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis, then you may not know where to start as far as treatment goes. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may be able to use a simple splint but if your condition is severe, then Dr. Weinstein may recommend surgery.
Doing everyday tasks like picking something up or using your phone can oftentimes exacerbate your symptoms and make them work. When you isolate your wrist and hand with a splint, you may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms that you are experiencing; just make sure that it’s the right fit for your hand because if it’s too tight or too loose, it may cause worse symptoms.
Physical Therapy
If you type a lot for a living or work with your hands, then you know just how sore they can get after a long day of work. Sometimes, physical therapy is recommended to help stretch your hands and loosen your nerve to alleviate pressure. During physical therapy, your hand therapist will work with you on hand strengthening and stretching exercises that you can continue to do at home.
The last thing anyone with carpal tunnel wants to have to do is undergo hand surgery, but sometimes it’s necessary. During surgery, Dr. Weinstein will cut the tissue that placing pressure on your nerve to help relieve pressure. Surgical results vary from patient to patient and depend on how severe your carpal tunnel was and how long that you had it for.
The best way for you and your doctor to determine what treatment option is going to give you the best results is by scheduling an appointment with us at our Chester office at 908-879-2222.
Posted in Uncategorized on January 30th, 2019
How You Can Lose Weight And Keep it Off in 2019
If there’s one thing that’s at the forefront of most people’s minds during the new year, it’s weight loss. If you have some excess weight that you’ve been trying to lose but just haven’t been able to, then this article is for you. Here at Dr. Weinstein’s office we like to see all of our clients succeed. Let’s take a closer look how you can take your dreams of having a slimmer figure and turn them into your new reality.
Set Realistic Goals
One of the reasons why so many resolutions fail by February is because people set unrealistic goals. When you are trying to lose weight, make sure that you set goals that are attainable. For instance, trying to lose 10 lbs in a month may not be realistic, but 5 lbs might. If you need help setting realistic goals, talk to our staff.
Watch What You Eat
If you really want to lose weight, then you should start by watching what you eat. You may not realize it now, but you are probably eating more calories than your body actually needs each day. Remember that you don’t’ have to go on any sort of crazy fad diet to see results, you can successfully diet by cutting out sugars, watching your carbs, and eating a lot of lean protein.
Consider Liposuction
One of the most frustrating things about losing weight is not being able to lose it all. If you are in a position where you feel like you just can’t lose an extra 10-15 lbs, then liposuction may be able to help. Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is actually for patients who are close to their goal weight. Which means, that if you just need an extra push, then it may be the perfect thing for you.
Make 2019 the year that you wear a bikini and feel sexy in it. To learn more about how you can get the body of your dreams, contact our Chester office and give us a call at 908-879-2222.
Posted in Health and Fitness on January 15th, 2019
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Monday: 9am-6:30pmThursday: 9am-5:30pm
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Phone: 908-879-2222
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