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Archive for December, 2021

6 Reasons Why You Should Plan on Breast Augmentation in the New Year

Cropped half-turned closeup photo woman's breast dressed in white braIt is already that time of year again! Time to start thinking about all you’ve accomplished in the past year and time to start planning for the new one. If you’ve been considering breast augmentation, there’s no better time to really put your plans into action. Read on for 6 reasons why now is the time to plan your breast augmentation surgery!

Why get breast augmentation?

Every woman has her own reasons for breast augmentation, but here are 6 good ones you should consider:

1. Breast augmentation can really increase your level of self-confidence. Has your chest always been the one part of your body that you are insecure about? Has it always made you feel self-conscious? Have you dreaded wearing a swimsuit or a cute summer dress? Breast augmentation can finally put you at ease about the way you look.

2. Breast augmentation can help you have the body you want after weight loss. An unfortunate fact about weight loss is that the breasts lose fullness when you lose weight. With breast augmentation, you can have the best of both worlds: you can be at your ideal weight while still having the full chest you would like.

3. Breast augmentation surgery recovery is relatively quick. Your downtime will most likely be only about 1 to 2 weeks, and you can get back to strenuous activity after 4 to 6 weeks.

4. Breast implants are long-lasting. Most last for about 15 years, but some can last for a lifetime.

5. Breast augmentation is done with the latest in technology, so you don’t have to wonder what the results will be. You’ll be able to see what you’ll look like with different sizes of implants with Vectra three-dimensional imaging.

6. Breast procedures are very safe. Every procedure does carry some risk, but in general breast implants have very few adverse effects and risks of complications.

Have you waited long enough to have breast augmentation? You can make this next year the year it happens – start by calling Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, for a breast augmentation consultation. Call (908) 879-2222 today!

Did you know the Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center can help with hand pain?

A woman feel pain in the middle of the handIf you’ve ever had a cosmetic procedure done at Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center, you know you can trust Dr. Weinstein and his staff to give you the beautiful skin, face, and body that you’ve always wanted. But did you know that you can also count on Dr. Weinstein for help with painful hand conditions?

What hand conditions can be treated?

Your plastic surgeon can help with many different hand problems. Here are just a few:

• Carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel is on the palm side of the hand. The median nerve runs through this “tunnel,” and if it is too narrow it can compress the nerve. Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome may have tingling or numbness. Surgery can help to relieve the pressure on the median nerve.

• Rheumatoid arthritis. This is a chronic disease that results in painful and inflamed joints. Joints may also be swollen and stiff. Surgery to remove tissue from inflamed joints, repositioning tendons, or even implanting artificial joints can help patients to find relief.

• Dupuytren’s contracture. Surgery is the only treatment for this disorder in which the skin and tissue on the palm side of the hand develop scar-like tissue that makes it difficult for the hand to move and function normally. After surgery, the fingers and hand can move more freely.

What happens after hand surgery?

Every hand surgery is different, and so the recovery time involved can vary from patient to patient. Your hand will have to remain immobilized for some time and you will need time to heal before you can get back to your regular activities. Besides medication to help you feel more comfortable while you heal, you might also be prescribed therapy such as hand exercises, heat and massage therapy, splinting, traction, and/or electrical nerve stimulation.

You don’t realize how delicate the hand is and how important good hand function is until you develop a problem. Don’t worry, though – you can count on Dr. Weinstein and the Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, to relieve hand pain and help to restore hand function. Call (908) 879-2222 for an appointment today!

Vectra 3D Gives You a Glimpse Into the Future

If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure, you may wish that you could see into the future for a peek at what you will look like after the procedure is done. You may even wish you could compare how you would look with one procedure versus another. With Vectra 3D imaging, you don’t have to wish and wonder anymore! 

What is Vectra 3D imaging?

Vectra three-dimensional (3D) imaging is an easy way to get a glimpse into the future. The session begins with pictures taken by a special 3D camera – several pictures are taken simultaneously from different angles. These pictures are put together to create a virtual model, which can be manipulated by a plastic surgeon to show the patient what the final results will be after a certain procedure or a combination of procedures. 

What can Vectra be used for?

Vectra 3D can be used when planning for a variety of procedures. It can be used for patients who are considering breast augmentation or lift, rhinoplasty, or a facelift. The patient can use these images to help them define plastic surgery goals and decide on which procedure to choose. It can also be used to “fine tune” a patient’s expectations, so that your final appearance will be exactly what you want. 

For instance, if you are interested in breast augmentation, you’ll be able to see how you’ll look with different sizes and kinds of implants. Your surgeon will be able to advise you if you need an additional procedure, such as a breast lift. And, if you are concerned about breasts that are asymmetric, Vectra 3D can help your surgeon determine how to best correct this problem, while giving you a preview of the final look. 

With Vectra 3D technology, you don’t have to worry what the results of your plastic surgery will be, and you don’t have to leave your future up to your imagination. It is just one more way that Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, can help you to have the look you’ve always wanted. Call (908) 879-2222 for an appointment today!

4+ Reasons to Schedule Your Buttock Lift Now

Have you been considering a buttock lift? It can be hard to find the time for this kind of procedure during the summer, and it can also be hard to imagine sitting inside and healing when there is so much fun to be had out in the summer sun. This is just one reason why the colder months are the perfect time for a buttock lift! 

What is the procedure for a buttock lift?

This procedure is done on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. In the procedure, excess skin and fat are removed, and liposuction may be performed. Incisions are made so that any scars will be hidden. Most patients can go home right away, as soon as the anesthesia has worn off.  

4 reasons why the colder months are the perfect time for a buttock lift

Scheduling your buttock lift now that it’s colder may be the perfect plan, because: 

  1. You will be swollen and bruised after the procedure, for as long as 10 days, and you will be given a compression garment to wear. Cold weather is a great excuse to wear big, fluffy winter clothes that can hide all of this.
  2. You have to plan ahead to have a bikini-ready body. You’ll need to schedule your surgery and have time for your body to recover and for the tissue to completely heal, and you’ll want to make sure this can all be done before beach season!
  3. Who wants to go outside in the cold weather, anyway? Harsh winter weather is the perfect excuse to stay inside, take it easy, and heal.
  4. A lot of companies practically shut down over the holidays, or at least slow down. It’s a great time of year to take some time off of work for the surgery and the recovery.

Schedule your buttock lift now, spend the cold months recovering while you are nice and cozy indoors, and have the body you’ve always wanted just in time to show it off in the warmer months. Contact Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, today for a buttock lift consultation. Call (908) 879-2222!

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, also known as “blepharoplasty,” can drastically change the way you look – it can make you look and feel younger. But there are also medical reasons that blepharoplasty may be performed – read on for some blepharoplasty basics.  

What happens during blepharoplasty?

This kind of surgery can be done on the lower eyelids, the upper eyelids, or both. It targets many of the issues that can make you look older than you are. It can remove excess skin and wrinkles, loose or sagging skin, and fat that can make the eyelids look puffy and can make it look like you have “bags” under the eyes. Some patients may have eyelid surgery done along with a brow lift or another procedure.


While blepharoplasty is a great way to make dramatic cosmetic changes, it can also be done for an important medical purpose – some people with excess skin around the eyes may find it difficult to see properly. This can be annoying and dangerous, and eventually it can cause functional problems with the eyelids. 

The procedure typically takes less than 2 hours, and can be done on an outpatient basis. Medication to numb the eyelid area will be injected and an incision made so that the doctor can tighten muscles and remove excess skin and fat. Fine sutures will be used to close the incision. 

What to expect after blepharoplasty

You may have some swelling, bruising, and pain, but ice packs and over-the-counter medication can help. You should avoid strenuous activity, smoking, and rubbing your eyes for at least a week after the procedure. You should not wear contact lenses for about 2 weeks, and you should make sure to wear dark sunglasses to protect your eyes from both wind and sun. You will be able to return to work within a few days. 

Your eyes say a lot about you – eyelid surgery can help to make sure they are saying what you want them to. Whether you want blepharoplasty for cosmetic or medical reasons, the staff at Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, can help. Call (908) 879-2222 for an appointment today!

What You Need to Know About Dermal Fillers

It can happen suddenly – one morning you look in the mirror and notice wrinkles and sagging skin that you could swear you didn’t have the night before. It is all a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it! Dermal fillers are a quick, noninvasive way to fight aging and make skin look young and refreshed. Here are some dermal filler facts you should know! 

  1. Dermal fillers are a great solution if you have tried over-the-counter face creams and lotions only to find they did nothing to help. Getting a dermal filler is a noninvasive procedure, meaning you don’t have to go through the hassle of plastic surgery and all that comes with it.
  2. There are different kinds of dermal fillers, and your doctor will suggest one depending on the issues you would like to address. A filler may contain hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, or poly-L-lactic acid, which can help to moisturize the skin or add structure to sagging skin. Fillers can also help to stimulate collagen production, which is important for healthy, youthful skin. Botox is also a popular filler. Made of botulinum toxin A, Botox prevents muscles under the skin from moving, which helps to smooth out wrinkles and even prevent future wrinkles.
  3. Results from dermal fillers can last for 1 to 2 years, depending on what kind you get.
  4. People of all ages are getting fillers nowadays. Those under 30 are getting fillers to correct flaws they have and also to try to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging from forming.
  5. There is no downtime involved. After you have a dermal filler procedure, you can get right back to your normal activities. However, you should avoid the sun, hot tubs, and saunas for 24 hours after getting your filler.

Another dermal filler fact you should know is that patients love them, and they love how they look after getting them. If you are tired of sagging skin and wrinkles, contact Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, for a dermal filler consultation. Call (908) 879-2222 today!

Will I be able to breastfeed after a breast procedure?

There are many plastic surgery procedures to consider if you are not happy with your breasts, such as a breast lift, breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, and breast reduction. You may be interested in having a procedure, but you may also be concerned about how a procedure could affect your future pregnancies and breast feeding. You should always consult with your doctor about any questions, but in the meantime, here is a bit of information about what a breast procedure can mean for your future motherhood. 

What are the breast procedures?

Very quickly, a breast augmentation involves breast implants; a breast lift (mastopexy) lifts breasts and gives them firmness and shape; a breast reconstruction can help women who have asymmetric breasts or other issues; and a breast reduction can reduce the size and weight of breasts. 

How will a breast procedure affect breast feeding my baby?

The good news is that a breast procedure typically will not keep your breasts from producing milk. Breast implants are placed in such a way that they do not interfere with ducts or mammary glands, and in the other procedures enough breast tissue is typically left intact to enable milk production. 

According to the La Leche League, a group that advocates for breastfeeding and helps to educate and encourage new mothers, a woman’s milk supply is better if it has been 5 years or more since the breast surgery. 

How will motherhood affect my breast procedure?

Fair warning: if you do become pregnant after a breast procedure, this can alter the work you have had done. Pregnancy can really change a woman’s body, and even breasts that have had work done are not immune! 

Should you decide to breastfeed, it is a wonderful experience for both you and baby! If you are concerned about how a breast procedure may affect motherhood for you (and vice versa), make sure you ask your doctor about this. The staff at Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, can answer your questions and help you decide which breast procedure is right for you. Call for a consultation today, at (908) 879-2222.

How Laser Technology Can Help You

young slender woman get hair removal procedure on legs. beauty cosmetic procedures in salon. beautiful woman has prefect smooth and soft skin on legsHave you ever stopped to think about lasers? Probably not, but these gadgets serve many different yet important purposes in our lives today, from helping us run our errands to keeping us healthy. Lasers are also used for cosmetic procedures, to help patients get the results they want! 

Why use lasers?

Lasers help us by speeding up our trip to the store by reading barcodes on groceries, they are used in communication, and they can even help in construction projects. They are often used in medicine nowadays, from correcting eyesight to treating cancer. 

And they serve many purposes at your plastic surgery clinic, too. Lasers are safe, effective, and noninvasive. As opposed to other procedures that might involve surgery, lasers involve much less hassle and downtime – and, lasers are noninvasive. Patients may report, at most, some discomfort with a laser procedure, but the pain that comes with surgery is avoided. Lasers can be used on most skin types and hair colors. And, a laser treatment can be done very quickly, although some treatments may require more than one session. Lasers can do a lot for patients, including: 

Tattoo removal

Do you regret getting that tattoo? You can have it painlessly and easily removed with a laser treatment. Laser beams break up the pigments in the tattoo so that your skin looks as if you’ve never had one. 

Skin rejuvenation

Laser beams can penetrate deep into the skin, which triggers the creation of new collagen. New collagen gives skin a rejuvenated, refreshed, younger look. Different laser treatments can focus on different problems. Lasers can reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and blotchy spots; reduce acne and other scars; and can clean out oil from pores, reducing the pores and existing acne. 

Hair removal

If you are tired of the hassle (and pain!) that can come with shaving and waxing, laser hair removal may be the answer. Lasers can remove unwanted hair in almost any location on men or women. It is quick and the results are long-lasting. 

Lasers really can do some amazing things – let laser technology help you to have the beautiful skin you want. Call Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, for more information about how lasers can help you! Call (908) 879-2222 today!

Get the Body You Deserve!

Outdoor shot of smiling young female model in bikini standing against blue sky. Woman having fun out on a summer day.It isn’t fair, really. After many years of exercising and eating right (and working very hard) you have lost a lot of weight — but now you have extra skin and fat that you just can’t get rid of. If this sounds all-too-familiar, it may be time for a plastic surgery procedure! Read on for some of the procedures that may be able to help you. 

Breast lift

Breasts have a lot of fat in them, and unfortunately, when you lose weight, this is one of the more noticeable places the fat disappears from. If you have sagging breasts because of weight loss, a breast lift, or mastopexy, can help to restore volume.

Male breast reduction

The male chest can show the effects of weight loss, too. Excess tissue in the breast area can look more prominent after the pounds have come off. Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia, can get rid of that extra tissue and give you a more flattering chest. 

Body contouring

A body contouring procedure helps to show off the weight you’ve lost, by removing excess fat and skin to give you a more toned and contoured appearance. 


This very popular procedure, also known as a “tummy tuck,” tightens and smooths the stomach muscles, where a pooch can remain no matter what you’ve tried to get rid of it. 


Very often, when you have lost a lot of weight, sagging skin on the face remains. A facelift can tighten up this tissue. 

Arm or buttock lift

Like the abdomen, these are two areas where fat stubbornly remains no matter what exercises you try. These procedures can remove excess tissue and give your body the firm and toned appearance you’ve always wanted. 

It can be very frustrating when you’ve worked so hard to exercise and eat right but still don’t have the body you want (and deserve!). One or more of these procedures from Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey can help you to get rid of the excess skin and fat that remain after you’ve lost a lot of weight. Contact them today, at (908) 879-2222.

6 Things You Should Know About Male Breast Reduction

strong fit man smiling and taking a break after hard workout,beautiful weather,sunny day,in the background waves splashing on the beachBreast surgery isn’t just for women. Men can be unhappy with their chest as well – it is actually quite common for a man to have a chest that is asymmetric or breast tissue that is enlarged. Gynecomastia (male breast surgery) can help. If you have been thinking about this procedure, here are some things you should know. 

  1. Excess breast and fat tissue in men can be very difficult to get rid of. Men most often see swollen tissue in this area when they are teenagers or when they are over 50. Most teenagers, however, lose some of this excess tissue when they get into their 20s.
  2. This excess tissue can be caused by an underlying medical condition, which your doctor will want to rule out before a gynecomastia procedure (asking a doctor about enlarged male breasts is a good idea anyway, in case it is caused by a medical issue you should get treatment for). It can also be caused by certain medications (such as heart medications, antibiotics, and steroids), hormones, obesity, aging, genetics, heavy drinking, and the use of “street” drugs.
  3. Many men report that their chest feels swollen and tender because of excess tissue, yet another reason for gynecomastia.
  4. Gynecomastia can be done on an outpatient basis, and it typically only takes about 2 hours. Local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used. You should be generally healthy before the surgery.
  5. Incisions for this procedure can be hidden so that visible scars are minimal.
  6. You’ll start to see improvement in your chest about 2 weeks after the procedure, after the swelling starts to go down. You’ll see the final results in about 3 to 6 months, and the results are permanent as long as you take care of yourself and live a healthy lifestyle.

You don’t have to live with a large chest and any embarrassment that comes with it. Reducing the amount of breast tissue is not a complicated procedure, and it can give you results you can be proud of. Call Weinstein Plastic Surgery Center in Chester, New Jersey, about a gynecomastia procedure. Call (908) 879-2222 to set up a consultation today!

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